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Do you have a complaint?

Are you dissatisfied with something, or do you have a complaint about our care? We would be happy to discuss this with you and look for a solution.

Please contact us using the forms that you can find under contact page. You can also directly discuss any dissatisfaction with your therapist / contact from Better Minds. We also have a client counsel, that is led by Basiel Roodenburg, you can directly contact him via 

If you think the issue is organization, or relevant to quality of care you can contact our executive manager Nil akyuz ( or our quality officer Cevdet Acarsoy ( 

If you do not want or are unable to discuss the complaint with us, or if you would like independent support, you can contact the Healthcare Complaints Portal. Complaints Portal Healthcare is an external organization to which we are affiliated to help resolve dissatisfaction and complaints about our care.


If you have sent your complaint or dissatisfaction, the Healthcare Complaints Portal will assess whether it meets the conditions for handling it and which procedure is appropriate.

If information is missing or unclear, they will contact you to complete it and ensure that the complaints procedure is started properly.


Would you like advice on how to deal with a situation you are dissatisfied with? You can also contact the Healthcare Complaints Portal. You will not start a procedure yet.


Submit your complaint using the complaints form on the Healthcare Complaints Portal website. You can also send an e-mail to . Do you not know which complaints procedure applies to you? The Healthcare Complaints Portal can also help you with that.


The goal remains to resolve dissatisfaction and complaints.

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